Award Timing
The next edition of the Award is envisaged to take place in 2020 in order to allow time for necessary reflection on lessons learned, organise a network of winning city workshops in 2019, and prepare for the next award process.
Application Period
The opening call for the application was on 7 December 2017. Applications were open for a period of four (4) months and closed on 20 April 2018(extended from 13 April). 
Applicant Webinar Workshops
A series of Applicant Webinars took place from January through April 2018. The first webinar took place on 24 January. Representatives from DG Trade and ITC presented the framework, walked participants through the application form, and answered questions regarding the Award. The other webinars were given on 21 February (replication of the first webinar), 14 March (Q&As only), 28 March and 9 April. The Q&A parts of all webinars are available in the FAQ section of this website.

Application Management
An Award Secretariat has been selected to manage the application process. The Secretariat is a technical/communications agency that promotes the event and communicates with interested parties preceding and following the call for applications. The agency receives and processes the applications. Based on an open application process, Phrenos has been chosen as the Award Secretariat. The tasks of the Award Secretariat include:

  1. Generating greater awareness about the first edition of the Award and ensuring a sufficient number of applications by interested EU cities. This includes but is not limited to proposing an overall communications strategy, producing second iterations of the Award promotion materials, etc.
  2. Providing day-to-day support for the implementation of the Award. This will include working with the winner of the Award after its announcement (support the development of PR materials, etc.)
  3. Implementing and overseeing the application and selection process of the Award (first screening of applications, structuring of the applications for the Evaluation Committee)
  4. Organising the Award ceremony
  5. Producing project reports and overall reporting to ITC and DG Trade